Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fried Deliciousness.

At the risk of putting myself into one of the biggest stereotypes of the south, I am telling you, some foods [i.e. most foods] are better fried. Blah, blah, blah, it's unhealthy and waaah, my arteries are clogging. Yeah, I get that, okay? I don't over indulge, I swear. At least, I try to behave. The point being, I, Tiffani, a few weeks ago, tried my very first fried oreo ever. And it was amazing.

It's that time of year when the county fairs start rolling in with their sketchy rides, untrustworthy carnies, and overpriced fair food. I hate the fair. I don't ride the rides, the carnies freak me out, and I hate it when they call me "sweetie." However, I do love the ferris wheel and I have a love affair with funnel cakes. For funnel cakes, I brave the fair. As it happens, Eli loves funnel cakes, loves the ferris wheel, but hates the rides, too, so we make a trip to the fair for funnel cakes and a ride on the ferris wheel. We get in line for the cakes, and I see the sign. The sign that says "Fried Oreos: $4.00." I asked Eli if we could get some since we've never tried them before. They were amazing. I can't even explain the deliciousness that filled my mouth. Oreos covered in funnel cake batter, fried, and sprinkled with powdered sugar. My friend in DE had told me of all the fried foods she gets at the fair each year, but I hadn't ever actually tried anything. I wanted to try some of the other delicious things, but neither I nor Eli could stomach it. After eating the funnel cake and two Oreos a piece, we were stuffed. Sadly, because they apparently fry twinkies, Snickers, and, wait for it....Starcrunches. I could eat an entire box of Starcrunches in one sitting if I didn't have a tiny bit of will power. 

Yes, biting into these, I heard my arteries cry out in horror. 

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