Thursday, May 12, 2011

Twenty one at last!

My 21st birthday turned out pretty awesome. I had a watermelon martini, pyrot hurricane, strawberry mojito, and something else I can't recall the name of. So, no, I didn't get smashed, but I had fun. I have pretty awesome friends. :)

Watermelon Martini! My first legal drink. :)

A painting of Harry Potter my friend gave me  as a present.

Monday, May 9, 2011

[No more] X's on the back of her hands!

Well, followers I probably don't have, the day has almost arrived. In less than 6 hours I will be 21. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm partially excited out of my friggin' mind, but at the same time, I'm thinking, "Wow, I'm officially an adult. I can do everything now." And let's be honestly, that's kind of heavy/scary. It's like when I was no longer a teenager. On one hand, I beat teenage pregnancy, like a champ, but on the other, I was no long a teen. I was officially two decades old. Not to mention I feel as though I haven't done very many exciting things in my 21 years.

Perhaps this will be the year of change! Wish me luck, haha.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Friend-Zoner

Friend-zoner- noun; Always placing interested daters in the friend-zone.

Apparently, I'm a friend-zoner. I was talking to Kei and ZM today about how a boy would go about getting out of a friend-zone. This evolved into me saying, "Oh my god. I'm a friend-zoner, aren't I?! Michael called me the Queen of No the other day, but I didn't believe him!" Kei, being the honest, loving friend she is, said, "Yeah, you tell everyone no without giving them a chance, T. Like...." and she proceeded to name of at least five guys I've friend-zoned in the past year. I'm such a douuuuche. I realize my faults now. The first step is admittance, though, right? So...I'm kind of on a roll? Maybe?

Friday, May 6, 2011

C'est la vie.

I cleaned out my closet! It looks so pretty now. Then would, to me at least, because I love organization. The Container Store is a heavenly place for me. Seriously, it's right up there with shoe stores. = )

So, anyway, I'm up there cleaning out the top shelf, of which I might mention was half filled with EMPTY boxes [what a waste of space, right?], when I find my "high school memorabilia" box. Oh, yeah, I went there. I got this down, and good Lord, it was a good afternoon of nostalgia. I found the poems from the scavenger hunt AP sent me on for our one year anniversary my junior year. Hah. Then, of course, I remember how much of a douche I was to him. C'est la vie, right? We're okay now, and that's what counts. I also found my glasses from the Junior-Senior proms, my high school graduation invitations, and all the dried up roses I kept from the days I got flowers sent to school. I dated such sweethearts, ya know? =P

Really, I'm just so proud of my closet. I kind of want to post a picture of it, but I won't because I think that's crossing the line of obsession with organized areas. I also cleaned out much of my clothing while I was at it. I really needed to, in all honesty. I had at least 100+ shirts in there. I love clothes, what can I say? I just kept telling myself I was making room for new clothes to make the departure easier on my self. I've got issues. -sigh-

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Trashy pop music and make up.

This weekend was wonderful despite the fact the rain didn't let up at all, and it was 50 something degrees in May. A girls night took place Sunday, with Kei and Cait. It was too much fun, and considering how awful today was, I needed it before I knew I needed it! We baked cookies [per usual], listened to trashy pop music, and got all pretty with make up. Oh, yeah, we went there. A few pictures to recap...

Kei took pictures when we weren't ready:

 Pictures of us trying to be sexy:

Pictures of me creepin':

Do tha' creep. Haa Haa.
Danced to some Lady Gaga:

P-p-p-poker face.
Approved of Keisha:

 Tigress faces:

 And my favorites: