Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Becoming Golden [girls]

It's official. My dear friend Katie and I are becoming old women. We are well on our way to becoming The Golden Girls and these are the reasons why:

Teenagers are now "teenyboppers."
We are walking in the mall yesterday when we decide to check out The Gap. I mistakenly walk into Baby Gap, and forgetting the stores are connected, I turn around to walk into The Gap's entrance. In doing so, I moved Katie back  into the aisle where she semi-collided with some Justin Bieber wannabe. I loudly say something about how they need to learn to walk away from the entrance doors, and they turn around to give me their best glares. That's when Katie says, "Oh, screw off, teenyboppers!" (I cleaned that up for the blog). We walk inside, and burst into laughter. "Did I really just say that?! Oh, my God, we are getting old!"

Graphic T's make us feel juvenile.
And entire table full of the cutest graphic T's, and we decide against any of them because we feel like we're too old to wear them now. Not that I don't still wear them sometimes, it's just on my skanky days that I do. 

Social interaction requires a pep talk.
As I've mentioned before, I would rather stay curled up in my chair with a book than go out with friends. I have to talk myself into going to the pub and pretty much all social settings. I refuse to go to the club here, though. It is so skanky, all the germ-x in the world couldn't save me. Katie is the same way. We just don't like people.

Staying out really late doesn't really appeal to me.
Generally, the only reason I stay up really late is because
  1. I'm watching a TV show.
  2. I'm reading a book.
  3. I'm doing homework.
  4. I'm doing internet shenanigans. 
Even in high school Katie and I didn't go out late or stay up late. I recall joking with her mother that she didn't need to worry about us partying in college because our bed time is 9:00pm. We were so lame.

We aspire to be just like Betty White.

1 comment:

Cherie said...

Agree with so much of that!

Teenagers seem so young to me now, but I've only not been one for a year and a half.

I've pretty much discarded all graphic tees.

I also have to talk myself into going out. I went out both tonight and yesterday, and had fun, but I'm pretty sure I've hit my quota for the week. So I'll now spend my nights watching some good old fashioned television. =)

And Betty White is awesome. If you haven't seen Hot in Cleveland, you should check it out. She's hilarious.