Friday, June 17, 2011

Do the creep!

This is Creep Week, apparently, and not the Andy Samburg-he's-hilarious creep either. I mean legit creeps. Since Tuesday, I've had a weirdo in some form or another creep up on me. 

Tuesday Creep:
I was a little early for my class, so I decided to go to Target to get a coffee. I'm walking up the aisle in the parking lot to the front doors when a car pulls up beside me. Inside is Creep #1 wearing Coca-Cola shorts.

Creep #1: Hey! Come here for a second, I've got a question for you.
Me: -staying where I am- Yes?
Creep #1: Come here. -sees worried, "like hell I'm coming over there" look on my face- Oh, no, girl, it's nothing like that. I just have a question.
Me: What is it?
Creep #1: Want to make $25?
Me: -thinking WTF- Uh, probably not.
Creep #1: Not like that, I just need you to go inside and buy me something.
Me: I'm late for class.
Creep #1: Oh, are you in college? What's your name?
Me: Later. -power walks inside-

Wednesday Creep:
Randomly, I get a facebook message from a guy I do not know, nor am I facebook friends with him. Naturally, I checked out his facebook page which is how I found he has a girlfriend. Our conversation was as follows:

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What is that?! 

Thursday Creep:
This one isn't terribly creepy, just...weird. I'm at WalMart getting a new bikini when this man about 40 years old comes up to me...

Thursday Creep: Excuse me, miss, I just wanted to tell you that you are an incredibly beautiful girl. 
Me: Oh..thank you so much.
TC: I just love your hair. It's gorgeous, you're gorgeous.
Me: -nervous laughter because I then realize his wife is with him- Well, thank you, that's so nice.
TC's Wife: Oh, he does. He just loves red hair. His mother, his sister, and my mother all have red hair. I have auburn hair, but he really just loves it. You really a beautiful.
Me: Aww, thanks!
TC: I just wanted you to know that, have a great day, beautiful.

I was just dumbfounded.

On a different note, here's the bikini I ended up buying:

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

I about died when I read this. Love it :D