Sunday, July 24, 2011

Home sweet....home?

Not quite.

8.5 hours on the road, cooped up in a car and we made it back home to the wonderful Arkansas. Hah. I felt claustrophobia setting in as we crossed the Mississippi River into Arkansas.While part of me was gasping for air at the end of our travels, the other part was so happy to be home with my family. I missed them so much! I know, I'm a big baby, but I'm really close to my family.

It's not that I despise Arkansas ( I dislike Alabama much more, haha), it's just that it's so...podunk. I mean, I understand podunk towns, I live in one, but this is a podunk state! I swear it. I guess my lack of satisfaction in living here started when I traveled to New Orleans last November to give a poster presentation. The city had so much life! Then I come home where the most excitement involves a drug bust and people consider walking around Wal-Mart "hanging out." I wish I was kidding about that.

Anywho, we took prettier beach pictures the last day, and I have a few Atlanta pictures that I'll post soon. I just haven't gotten them off the camera yet! I know, I know, I'm a lazy bag of bones. Also, I watched and enjoyed Captain America. So excited for the Avengers.


Caitlin said...

This is Jew country...we can't stop here!

Cherie said...

Definitely a "podunk" state. I was born in Arkansas (lived in Russellville and Dover, if you know where those are) and lived there and in Missouri until middle school -- moving from one tiny town to another.

I kinda miss the Midwest. Might end up moving back one day. It's kinda nice in that middle-of-nowhere way.

Never been to Alabama, but I can only imagine.

Tiffani said...

Yeah! My friend is going to ATU in Russellville and I've been through Dover. :)

Alabama is a scary, scary place.

Unknown said...

I love you and miss you. Ironically after all this time, we still have TOO much in common besides our ultimate fate in geekdom.