Sunday, July 24, 2011

People I Generally Can't Stand. (And I hope you can't either)

As I have said before, I'm a judgey pants. I'm pretty sure I have killed 95% of the people I've met in my head at least a thousand times. A friend linked me this picture today, and it couldn't be a more perfect description.

Any who, I'm in a ranting mood, so here are six types people I generally can't stand (I hope you can't stand them either).

1. The Hipster.

This person will say things such as, "I liked that band before they became mainstream" and "I wore that shirt before it became cool." Yeah, well, guess what? No one gives a shit. Murr murr murr I sit around and drink coffee that costs too much while listening to music ironically and talking about how much better I am than all the conformists around me....oh, wait. Please go jump off a cliff.

2. The Stage Five Clingers.

We all know one. That girl or guy who calls/texts every five minutes and always wants to know exactly where you are at all times. That one. They are honestly scary, and I'm tired of  you fugging up  my news feed with your whiny statuses and posts about how your boyfriend/girlfriend is ignoring you because they fell asleep. Just wild guess here, but they are probably asleep because it's four o'clock in the morning. They are also known to throw large fits about you texting the opposite sex, even if said person of the opposite sex is in a relationship and the text was just about some sunglasses you left in their car the last time the four of you double dated. Batshit crazy.

3. The Public Fighter.

If you do something to piss me off and we are in public or with friends, I'll let you know I'm angry, but no one else will know because I wait to have the conversation until we've left the public setting and are alone. I can't stand when people pick screaming fights in public places about silly things. It's trashy, and while I'm eating my food, I don't want to hear about your needy insecurities. No one else does either.

4. The Bimbo.

That girl who says "like" every two seconds, draws out vowels, and acts(or is) like a complete moron. This is the girl who will say things such as, "So then I was like, OMG! and she was like, LOL!" Admittedly, I do say "like," but not to this degree. Learn more words.

5. The Debbie Downer

The person who has something negative to say about everything. For example, someone has a facebook status that says, "I really want to go see Harry Potter! Someone should go with me." The Debbie Downer will reply, "I'd like to go, but no one ever invites me to go anywhere which is why I'm always alone. I'll die alone. Oh, well." Stop being so depressing. More people would invite you out if you weren't so depressing.

6. The Arrogant, I'm-Better-Than-You person who is seemingly illiterate.

This person will post statuses such as, "I could of gone to that concert, but I was busy doing something not mainstream." No. No, no, no. "Could of" doesn't make sense. Perhaps you are thinking of "could have?" Exactly, and you think you're better than me. (Someone on my facebook news feed has actually posted several statuses using the phrase "could of.") Generally, these people post and say dumb shit on a regular basis.



Cherie said...

Love this! My coworker and I discuss the stupidity of "could of" and "should of" and "ima go somewhere" often. I hate it.

My ex used to call me a Debbie Downer, but I'm pretty sure he was just teasing me. I.. hope. Heh.

Some that I can't stand that you didn't mention..

- the attention whores
- the people who update their statuses every five minutes. don't care if you're eating a sandwich. really.

Tiffani said...

So. True. I should make this a two part post. I don't think you're a Debbie Downer, I've read your blog and it's not depressing. :)

Dalia said...

I tend to be the hipster, except I don't talk about it. I just keep it to myself if I've liked a band or some such thing. I fought the label for a while, but now I just go with it. Apparently it has something to do with my taste in music.

Tiffani said...

As long as no one is telling me I shouldn't like a band because everyone else likes it, I'm cool. I just think it's good to like what you like without worrying about who else likes them or what label they are with. :)

Caitlin said...

I could literally here you in my head going, "murr murr murr".

Also, was the person commenting on the fb status who I think it was? :-p haha. <3

Tiffani said...

More than likely...yeah. :P And I thought you'd enjoy this, ahah!