Sunday, July 31, 2011

Book Challenge: The Five People You Meet In Heaven

Book: The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

Challenge: A book from the BBC list.

My friend from Let Loose, Cait, suggested this book for me to do to satisfy the BBC list challenge. Generally, I don't read books that play with what heaven will be like, not because they aren't lovely books, I just can't get into them. That was part of my problem with The Lovely Bones. I just couldn't get into it. Anywho, The Five People You Meet in Heaven is about a man, Eddie, who dies and goes to heaven (naturally). While there, he meets five people who impacted his life. He doesn't know them all, but actions from their lives crossed paths with Eddie's. Truly, it was a moving book. There were parts that were incredibly sad, but all in all it was just a really lovely book. It gives a great perspective on how every action affects someone/something in our lives. 


Caitlin said...

Oh I'm glad you read-and liked-it! :)

Cherie said...

Off topic, but I gave you an award today. Just letting you know! =)