Friday, July 15, 2011

So help me, I am going to kill someone.

Alright, before I start this rant, let me say that I, Tiffani, being twenty-one years old, a college junior, and single have no desire to get married anywhere in the near future. I'm very okay with not dating right now. It's that guys haven't asked me out, it's that I turn them down. There is nothing wrong with this. 

So, is it really wrong of me to not want to make out with every strange guy that says he'd like to hook up with me? No. I don't have meningitis, and I don't want it. I'm kind of a germaphobe. I have issues with other people and their germs. I'm not going to go start macking on everything with a penis because I'm only twenty-one and that's apparently what you're supposed to do when you're young. I go out sometimes with my friends. I have fun. I get dressed up and girly. If a guy wants to buy me a drink at the pub, by all means, I'll accept. I just don't have a desire to be in relationship at this point in my life. That could change tomorrow if I meet the right guy, who knows? I'm allowed to be picky when it comes to guys. I will not settle. I refuse. 

And if one more person tries to push me into a date with a guy, so help me God, I am going to kill someone. Yes, I'm aware he's attractive. Yes, I'm aware he's sweet. Yes, I'm aware he likes me. Do I want to go on a date with him? No. Why? Because I already know our personalities don't mesh. Good friends, bad as a couple. Why go on the date, knowing I'm going to turn him down if he asks for another, or more? I hate turning guys down more than most things in the world. It's awful. I feel like a douche. Now, if I don't know the guy at all, I'd probably be open to it, but when I've flat out said no, don't push me. I mean, my family does it until I say, "No, this is why I don't want to." and they drop it. Easy peasy. I have friends, yes, friends multiple, who do this to me! Just keep pushing, and pushing until I think I'm going to snap! I have at least three friends who tell me I'm too picky, but I like to think of it as having standards. So. Sue. Me.

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